【同义词辨析】 2019-07-25 幸运lucky-providential

lucky: stresses the agency of chance in bringing out a favorable result: the ~ day I met my future wife.   chance偶然,泛指由无法理解控制的力量所决定的is the most general term and may imply determination by irrational, uncontrollable forces,如a chance meeting/encounter邂逅,如they chanced to be staying at the same hotel他们碰巧住在同一家旅馆,如left things to chance听天由命)  (to bring about产生导致带来,如interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery利率下调没有带来经济复苏,如本例带来有利结果)

fortunate: suggests being rewarded beyond one's deserts or expectations: have been ~ in my business investments. deserve应得的,可贬可褒,如I don't deserve you我不上你,大多数时候是反讽,如you deserve your success你的成功名至实归,是褒义

happy: combines the implications of lucky and fortunate, with its more common meaning of being blessed: a life that has been a series of ~ accidents.

providential: more definitely implies the help or intervention of a higher power in the coming of good or the averting of evil fortune: it was ~ that the rescuers arrived in the nick of time.  最后时刻关键时刻at the last possible moment,如we just got out in the nick of time我们在千钧一发之际逃了出来

lucky幸运: 表示偶然好结果,fortunate幸运: 表示回报超过应得预期,happy幸福幸运: 兼具两词含义,但更多表示被祝福的,providential幸运天赐天助: 指上天帮助干预,带来好运避免厄运

记忆方法: 1)首字母LFHP福乐平和<==幸运

         2)幸运的意思是意外的成功mean meeting with or producing unforeseen success.